
At Abysse, we value our girls for their athleticism and their love of the ocean, which is why we are so proud to share this stunning video of Celina Burlin, sailor chick and all round bad-ass. She is the first female sailor to win a foiling event, and has been competing in world class regattas and events for the past several years.

In honor of America’s Cup, Abysse & Phantom International partnered up with Celina Burlin to create a short story of passion, innovation, art and style. Extremely fast and incredibly quiet, the way these stunning vessels rise out of the ocean and fly across the water is truly an amazing feat of technology.  

Flying Phantoms are foil catamarans that can reach speeds of up to 35 knots. Talk about wind chill! Phantom International invited Celina to test the new Flying Phantom Essentiel in Dinard, a town along the beautiful rugged coast of Brittany in northwestern France. By the looks of it, it’s a good thing Abysse’s Lotte Silver was there to help her brave the cold winds at top notch speeds!

  With grace, power and control, Celina navigates the waters with precision. We’re in love with the essence of freedom, simplicity and style that is behind the design of the Flying Phantom. Much like Abysse, it embodies versatility and being one with all the elements.  We are continuously inspired how the magic of design, fashion and function come together to make such beautiful works of art.

Check out the photos video and see for yourself.